Pros and Cons of Restaurant Mobile Payment System Malaysia

Most places nowadays offer restaurant mobile payment system malaysia that allows customers to pay for their meals without using cash or card. This type of technology has started to boom in recent years with e-Wallet apps such as Boost, Touch n Go, and BigPay. The reason why it becomes popular is because of how quick and convenient it is to use compared to other types of payment. However, everything has its own flaws, including this mobile payment system. So, this article will tell you what are the pros and cons of this technology.

What are the pros of the restaurant mobile payment system?

restauraunt mobile payment system malaysia

First and foremost, the best part of using this technology to pay for your meals is that it is fast and easy. Unlike paying by cash or card payments, you don’t have to take out your wallet, count the money or choose which card you want to use to pay your bills. Also, you don’t have to experience that embarrassing moment when the customer behind you has to wait while you put your change in your wallet. When using restaurant mobile payment system malaysia, you only have to open your e-Wallet app, type the amount you need to pay, scan the QR code of the store and that’s it. It’ll take less than a minute to pay your bill and that is why technology is fast and easy.

Second of all, despite how easy the payment process is, it is relatively secure. Just like card payment, you have to pass a security system first before you can make any payment using this technology. Depending on your phone, you have to enter your passcode or any biometric password like your thumbprint or face ID when you’re using a mobile payment system to pay your bills. So, don’t worry if you’ll lose your money if someone takes a hold of your phone, they won’t be able to take your money easily. 

Lastly, most mobile payment systems offer reward programs to their users. When you use it frequently, you can collect points that you can either redeem for discount vouchers the next time you use it again. So, you get to save more as you spend more. 

What are the cons of the restaurant mobile payment system?

restauraunt mobile payment system malaysia

Well, as mentioned before nothing in this world is perfect and the restaurant mobile payment system malaysia also can’t run from having disadvantages.

First of all, it is not convenient for the older generation. Eventhough we are living in a high-technology world, elderlies still struggle to keep up with the technology and they still prefer the traditional types of payment (cash or card). And if the restaurant does not offer the alternatives, it will take a long time for the elderly customers to pay for their meals and this may cause annoyance and embarrassment for both the restaurant staff and the customers.

Second of all, it does not support all mobile phones. Believe it or not, there are still people who refuse to use smartphones to this day. Again, if the restaurant does not offer other types of payment at their place, they might gradually lose more and more customers every day. 


restauraunt mobile payment system malaysia

All in all, despite the restaurant mobile payment system, which has become a norm to pay for your bills, it is still wise to have the conventional types of payment available at your place. This way, you can get customers from all demographics and boost your sales more.