How to Increase Breast Milk-Breast Pump Malaysia

  Do you know that sometimes we as moms need to use this breast pump Malaysia. That is because we need to prepare some breast milk for our kids at home when we need to leave them for a while. Nonetheless, do you know that some breastfeeding moms don’t even produce enough breastmilk for their babies? Even Though they already use breast pump Malaysia to take the milk out. Let me give you some tips on how to increase your breast milk. 

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How to Increase Breast Milk

  1. Use The Supportive Care System
    A supplemental breastfeeding system can encourage your baby to suckle even when your milk is running out. If your child is frustrated by the slowing or stopping of milk flow, they may refuse to continue breastfeeding.
    Using supplemental breastfeeding systems and nutritional supplements with previously expressed breast milk may help your child suck longer. Increasing breast stimulation is a natural way to increase the amount of milk your body produces.
  2. Change A Healthy Lifestyle
    You may not know it, but some things you do every day can affect your milk production. Smoking, taking combination contraceptives, stress and fatigue can affect milk supply. You may be able to increase your milk intake naturally by making small changes to your routine.
    Use a breast pump or manual pumping to keep your breasts stimulated after you’ve finished feeding your baby. The extra stimulation tells your body it needs more milk.
  3. Breastfeed Longer
    Newborns should breastfeed for at least 10 minutes on each side. If she falls asleep, gently wake her up so she can continue feeding. The more time a baby spends at the breast, the more stimulation it receives.
  4. Do Not Skip Feedings Or Give Infant Formula
    Your body makes more milk when your baby sucks. When you skip feedings or formulate instead of breastfeeding, you’re not telling your body to produce more milk. Unless you’re pumping instead of that feeding, your supply will decrease. Expressing helps increase and maintain milk supply, but it is not the same as breastfeeding. Babies work much better than a breast pump. Especially in the beginning when you’re just starting to increase your milk supply.

    Click Here For 10 reasons for low milk supply when breastfeeding
  5. Nurse From Both Breasts
    During the first few weeks, you can strengthen your milk supply by breastfeeding on both sides at each feed. The first breast usually receives more stimulation, so be sure to switch the starting breast each time you feed your baby.
    If you always start on the same side, that breast will produce more milk and may be larger than the other. After the first few weeks, as you get used to the amount of milk, you can continue breastfeeding on both sides or just one side at a time.
  6. Trying to Put The Baby to Sleep
    Some newborns are sleepy and sleep well in her first week of life. If you have a sleepy baby, you should not only wake him up every three hours to feed, but he should also stay awake and feed actively during feedings.
    To continue feeding a sleepy baby, rub his feet, change his diaper, burp, or swaddle him so he doesn’t feel warm and uncomfortable. Breastfeeding awake ensures that your baby is getting the right nutrients and gives your body the stimulation it needs for a healthy supply of milk.
  7. Eat Well
    It is recommended that you try to eat better while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding and producing milk require a significant amount of energy. So, to build a healthy breast milk supply, fuel your body with a balanced diet and healthy snacks. Add oatmeal, dark green vegetables, and dairy products like almonds to your daily diet to get the extra calories you need.
  8. Drink Enough Fluids
    Breast milk is about 90% water, so don’t forget to drink enough every day. Just drink 6-8 glasses of water, or healthy liquids like milk, juice, or tea, and you’ll be well hydrated. If you are thirsty, drink more. Also, if you feel dizzy, have a headache, or have a dry mouth, you may not be drinking enough.