User Guide

Conduct by Users of Kolony

  1. You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person’s rights.
    • You will agree that you will not:
      • Post, display or transmit Content that violates any law, or rights of any third party including – the act of infringement to the Intellectual Property Rights;
      • Impersonate any person or entity without their consent, or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation, or if you are an adult, impersonate a minor for the purpose of interacting with a minor using the Service;
      • Stalk, harass or engage in any sexual, suggestive, lewd, lascivious, or otherwise inappropriate conduct with minors in the Service;
      • Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual “age play”, i.e. using child-like avatars in a sexualized manner.
      • Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelious, false, inaccurate, misleading or invades another person’s privacy;
      • Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
      • Post, display or transmit any Content or conduct or host any activity that is explicitly sexual or intensely violent.
  2. You will not send or otherwise update unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) in Kolony.
  3. You will not engage in unlawful multi-level marketing, such as pyramid scheme in Kolony.
  4. You will not upload viruses or other malicious code in Kolony.
  5. You will not bully, intimidate or harass any Kolony user.
  6. You will not send messages which are hateful, indecent, threatening or incites violence to Kolony users.
  7. You will not use Kolony to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious or discriminatory.
  8. If any of the above is infringed, Celcom has the right to terminate your Kolony account.

Any violation by you of the terms of this Section may result in immediate suspension or termination of your Account without any refund or compensation.