It is also the manufacturer who is impacted by the standards in question, as the latter is always required to verify the quality of the products used, both when they fall within the scope of a harmonized standard and when a new generation product, although not included among the regulated ones, is subjected to the European technical assessment process (ETA). Finally, when the maker creates the items to be utilized in the creation of the work with his own resources, this feature of the standards is very significant. Choosing the autoclaved aerated concrete malaysia is most essential there.
The Right Example

In this respect, a straightforward example is provided by the packaging of building materials, which makes use of goods derived from the transformation of waste material, although in a selective manner.
When a new novel material is introduced into the market, the producer is obliged to provide a declaration of performance for the product; failure to comply with this requirement is punishable by penalties ranging between 4,000 and 24,000 euros.
Aside from the aforementioned penalties, if the material generated is found to be a source of harm to persons or property, particularly when used in the building of structural elements or for firefighting reasons, an arrest is likely to be ordered in addition to the aforementioned fines.
Materials And Control Processes Are Subjected To Scrutiny
The aforementioned decree establishes a National Committee for the coordination of construction products, which will be under the supervision of the Superior Council of Public Works, with the mission of coordinating the activities of the competent administrations in the sector and establishing guidelines for ensuring uniform controls. In order to ensure an up-to-date and punctual control, aimed at harmonizing the rules on materials, the aforementioned decree provides for the establishment of a National Committee for the coordination of construction products, which will be under the supervision of
As a result of the decree’s implementation, in addition to ensuring greater safety in all types of building construction, the client will have a greater opportunity to assert their rights in the event of damage resulting from constructions made with inappropriate materials, the identity of which will be finally described and certified.
This possibility should help to minimize the number of lengthy and often inconclusive disputes in which the guilty party cannot be identified owing to a lack of exact laws on controls in the construction materials industry, as has been the case in the past.

Concrete, for example, is the most often used material in the construction of structural sections of a structure, and it serves as an excellent example for everyone.
The minimum cement content and maximum water/cement ratio must be determined primarily on the basis of the environmental conditions to which the material will be exposed and the performance requirements.
However, whether ordinary or pre-stressed, reinforced concrete must include sufficient cement to provide a suitable level of corrosion protection for the steel reinforcement in the structure.
Concrete Compression Testing Is Performed For The Purpose Of Material Control
The unfortunate reality is that many times, tests on the substance in issue are packaged in a way that allows them to fall within the legal constraints that are necessary for the task to be completed successfully. Over the years, this careless conduct has caused harm to persons and property without allowing for a clear identification of who is responsible for what.